
Why don't we socialize our dogs? Part 1.

The greater majority of the dogs that I see on a daily basis have negative behaviors that can be attributed to a lack of proper socialization.

Whoa. What does that even mean?

It means that the dog has not learned, or rather, has not been taught, what type of behavior is appropriate for a given "social" situation.

Still confused? I think I am too. Think about it this way:

How do you become a better basketball player? A better typist? A salesman? How do you earn straight A's in school? How do you make a relationship work?

I'll let you ponder it for a minute...

The answer? Practice. Hard work. Repetition. Luck. Instruction. Talent. Understanding. Trust. Guidance.

Right now I know you're thinking "But my dog does fine is social situations! He/she's a really friendly dog!"

Awesome. Congratulations. But have you ever thought about why?

I always use athletes as examples. Michael Jordan would not be Michael Jordan if he didn't practice. What would he be like if he never had any coaching or instruction at all? He was blessed with almost limitless talent to be sure, but he also had family and coaches and teachers and teammates who fostered and nurtured that talent. And you can be sure that MJ was never satisfied with "good," or "fine."

So How did your dog become this exceptional citizen? Think really hard. What have you done to bring him/her to this point (it's ok to brag yourself up a bit here)? Chances are, you have actually done a lot. Granted, you might a very happy social dog to begin with - but that doesn't mean that there isn't room for improvement.

Next on Don't Think. Just Dog: More on socialization and what it means for us as owners.

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