
Why don't we socialize our dogs? Part 2.

Here's the thing: No matter what you tell yourself, chances are the way your dog behaves in social situations is not "normal," or "ok," or "he's just excited," or "she's just really shy." Dogs, just like people, are individuals. Individuals who react differently when confronted or thrust into new situations.

Can you predict how your dog will react, given the situation?

I feel that this is step one. Once you have a good feeling as to how your dog will react, you can plan accordingly!

So think about it - think about every possible situation you can put your dog into - walks in the neighborhood, the pet store, the dog park, the vet's office, etc. Then answer the following questions:

How does my dog act in each situation (excited/nervous/agitated/etc.)?

How does my dog react to my input/commands in each situation?

How might I change or correct my dog's behavior in the given situation?

What factors can/can't be accounted for?

And these are just to get you started. Be prepared! You have so much more control over your dog's behavior than you realize, and it begins the moment you leave your home. This is not something to be left up to chance - it really is up to you.

In the next Don't Think. Just Dog. post we'll be going over some strategies to help keep socialization as positive and productive as possible.

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